Thursday, 4 October 2012

ALEXA'S SONG is now available on Amazon

It just went live!

Cover design by Rob Tysall

Note: It's aimed at adults, and is a love story of a kind between two creative people who are each fighting their own demons.

Watch this space for news of an exciting competition on the theme of the book, coming soon....

See Alexa's Song on Amazon UK

... and on Amazon USA

More soon,
Best wishes,

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Exciting news - I'm now a fully qualified proofreader

Just heard that I've been awarded a Merit for completing the 'Basic Proofreading by Distance Learning' course run by The Publishing Training Centre. This qualification is highly regarded by the publishing industry and I'm very proud of my achievement. It was hard work!

You can see my proofreading website (run by my alter ego, Sheila Glasbey), here.

I offer a quick and reasonably priced service to anyone who wants to make their prose as perfect as possible ready for publication. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

'Alexa's Song' is almost ready to go!

It's been a long time coming. Back in June, I was preparing my new novel for adults, Alexa's Song, for publication, when the sad and sudden death of my father intervened. Since then, I've barely had the time or the inclination for any writing activities at all.

But I'm slowly getting back to something vaguely approaching normal... and I'm back at work on formatting Alexa ready for release as an eBook for Amazon Kindle. If all goes well, it should be ready to download by the end of this week. I'll let you know...

Alexa's Song is a book close to my heart, because both of its main characters have mental health problems and their conditions interact with their personal and creative lives in all kinds of (I hope) interesting ways. Jake is an artist and Alexa a musician - a pianist and composer of both classical and pop music. Jake has been in love with Alexa for years and they lived together for a while, until along came Alexa's brother, Steve, who rather disrupted their relationship. But now Jake has a hope of winning Alexa back - except that she is pregnant and it's unclear who the father is (it's not Jake - that much he knows...)

Jake's life is complicated by the fact that he has bipolar illness. His medication helps, but he believes that he does his best painting when he comes off the tablets - with disastrous results for himself and those around him.

Alexa suffers from recurrent depression owing to a traumatic event when she was a student, years ago.

The big question is, can these thirty-somethings find happiness and fulfilment in among all these conflicting demands and desires? And will the song Alexa wrote for Jake be enough to save him, when he gets himself into real trouble?

Here's the cover, which I love - beautifully designed for me by Rob Tysall of Tysall's Photography, Nuneaton.

More on Alexa soon!

Happy reading